Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hello Spring
Tonight I went to a primary school play with le boyfriend for his little sister - might I say how much I miss being a kid. The night progressed from Prep to grade 5/6, I just couldn't stop 'awww'ing when the little ones came on to perform 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. It was absolutely adorable. On the final performance, I was hysteric. I could not stop laughing because of this one boy who you could tell he was one of the 'class clowns'. He wasn't in a major role or anything, just one of those extras in the background, wearing a ridiculous wig where you couldn't see his face most of the time and was making the most hilarious moves I had ever seen from a kid. We were sitting at the back and gosh it was just fun to watch him! I couldn't help but be inspired and try his moves in the car on the way home. A good start to Spring. Goodnight blog :)