Monday, August 31, 2009

Mesh in a plastic?

Welcome to my collection oh floral one! I wish I had a better camera to show who you really are :( Nevertheless, i still love it. I adopted this baby from Mouche a while ago, and didn't have a particular occassion to wear it until there was a Black & White themed birthday of a very close friend of mine from school. Hopefully I can find more occassions to wear them in the near future :) Don't forget the other collections of Mouche - very worth it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where's the red light?

Had a lovely time shopping with le boyfriend tonight :)
One of SABA's manikins are to die for.
Bought the latest edition of Chloe's perfume from Myer (of course not for me) for the lovely ms. Anna!
This fragrance can be compared to Daisy by Marc Jacobs which i love love lovee - second best to my Burberry of course :)
Very tired atm...
Goodnight blog

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Just a moment ago, the sun was beaming through my window and at heart, i felt warm. Looking out now, it looks like 5.30 in the afternoon. Dismal weather, dismal feeling.
Everyday you will hear about unfortunate events of a person's life taken, whether you know them or not. Below that extent, a person may not be a part of your life as much as it used to due to various circumstances. Point is, people always come and go - the safest way possible is not to be too close to someone because of that somewhat vulnerability. What's the point in that?
I was reading a text from school..they say that the only difference between a dog and a human is that a dog knows how to be a dog. Gets you thinking huh?'s raining now.

*Title named after the song by Counting Crows

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy 50th Vogue!

Homework is one thing...but a glossy vogue is a perfect substitute!
Very much enjoying this issue :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

prospective stylist

Ohh..I would kill to be in the fashion industry. I'm way too made for it than the bland math methods or chemistry. Sigh!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Spare the pep talk.

Shrugs. Quite angry at myself. I wish I was smart. Fuck.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Racing against myself but I'm a couple steps behind.

They say the best pair of lens' are the human eyes. No matter how expensive you may invest into your new gadget, nothing beats capturing one of the best moments in your life first-hand.

It's a tuesday night, 1.35AM and I don't have school tomorrow. Everyone's gone to bed, 'What to do?'. Times like these, all you do is think. Zzz..

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

T'is a small world.

Morning all. It is currently 1.05AM, but my mind still registers it as a Saturday :P In just a zap of a finger, my weekend is close to an end - so quick! But the almost 'regret' of not making my WHOLE weekend dedicated to studying will strive me to work harder during the week to compensate for it (it's a really good tactic i believe). But i'm not here to rant on about school.

Tonight I spent part of my night in the city. Revisiting the night life in the CBD makes me appreciate what i love about Melbourne. In particular, performers who fill the city skies with music which set the lively mood. I even stopped by starbucks in which i'm glad i did! Today I ordered the 'English breakfast tea latte' - oh it was heaven. There was something about it but I can't exactly put my finger on it..

Highlight of the day: You're at a party, and you find your sister there. T'is a small world.

Below modelled is Kyra: le usual preppy look with his new Ben Shurman sweater (underneath the French Connection cardigan). Might not be so ideal to wear it on a cold day as it was today, however it is still eligible on a warm-ish day. We stopped by this store before some intense games at Galactic! Thanks for another fab night :) xo